| - HORRIBLE(but read on for the details). Ok, this one is a bit long winded, but a definite MUST READ. My AC went out over night on a Saturday. I called One Hour when I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to see the ac wasn't working. They said the earliest they could get to me was from 12 a.m. to 4 a.m early Monday! Well, I guess I had no choice. Lucky for me Sunday was filled with Thunderstorms so the high was only 95.
Guy ends up coming at 1 a.m. making Monday's work day awesome....
Flash forward to Monday afternoon when I get off and come home. The AC wont go down below 77 now. Call back, they come see me Tuesday between 6-10.
Everything seems to be working fine when now come Saturday again, the AC stops working again, turning on for 15 seconds, then off for 15 seconds, and over and over, not going below 77 again!
Bottom Line: It is impossible to get a time for them to come out. They are can get nasty on the phone when you tell them their service is unacceptable. Plus, nobody can tell me why the heck they have "One-Hour" in their name!
Side note, I paid $7,800 for the A/C unit from them and it isn't even 4 years old and I am having these issues. Plus, I get my vents cleaned by them and all.