Combine a raspados and bubble tea shop, add a dash of some IG worthy drinks and you have yourself Zero Degrees. I love the fusion concept of the brand new location of this shop (The other is in Glendale). At around 5ish on a weekday there was a fairly steady line of people but it didn't take too long to order. I like how you can order a split cup if you are deciding between two drinks, but note that only certain drinks are available with this option. I couldn't decide between the coffee horchata or the lychee crush so I got a split cup with those two options. I also redeemed the Yelp check in offer for a free topping, which I chose as the sea salt cream.
Of the two, I preferred the lychee drink more. I enjoyed the fresh lychee bits with the strawberries and the green tea they use had a floral note to it. The sea salt cream on it was decent, but not really my favorite version out of the ones I've tried in the Phoenix area. The coffee horchata's flavors skewed more towards horchata than coffee, and the horchata itself was about average.
Coming in from a 100 F degree day, it felt a bit warm inside the shop. I noticed there weren't any overhead fans and I'm not sure what the A/C situation is like here. Once I sat down and started sipping my drink though the temperature felt OK. I did notice that after I left it was actually cooler outside than the inside of this shop!
The one thing that will probably keep me from wanting to stay any amount of time here is the noise level. Maybe I'm at that stage in my life where I'd be shouting at kids to get off my lawn if I had one, because it was so annoyingly loud in that shop. I had to yell nearly at the top of my lungs to the cashier to get my order in, and even then he had a hard time hearing what I was saying.