3 month update: My eyes have recovered quite well after my custom LASIK procedure. However, the post-operative experience could have been handled better, given that I was moving across the country a month after the surgery, and the office had previously agreed to provide me a referral for follow-ups. During my last follow-up in AZ, Dr. Donausky had expressed concern regarding dryness in my eyes, but I was told that the Schwartz Laser Eye Center was not willing to cover the cost of my visit to the ophthalmologist they referred me to in NC. This decision on their end cast a slight pall over my experience, particularly when I had already paid thousands of dollars and expected them to happily cover the referral cost - especially if they had any concerns, however minor, about my recovery. I understand that my situation was unusual and is likely not relevant to people who will remain in AZ after the surgery. Additionally, I still view my experience with the Schwartz Laser Eye Center as quite positive on the whole, but simply wanted to add this caveat to my prior review.