If you want a place that stands behind what they sell, don't go here. You'll save yourself money and headaches by getting your new lawnmower at Home-Depot.
My folks bought a new Toro FROM PRAIRIE POWER CENTER 2 weeks ago and used the machine 2 times. The self propelled unit quit working. We took the mower back to them and they looked it over. Then they fixed the drive unit and charged my dad $50.00 for the repair.
Two things wrong here.
1. Wisconsin AG Act #132 states that you cannot do repair work to a persons equipment without prior authorization. So basicly you can't spend somebody's money without prior approval. My dad never signed a repair order or authorized any charges.
2. Warranty? It's 2 weeks old and they sold it. They claimed that my dad hit something with the mower, but I didn't see any signs of impact. If he bought the thing at Home Depot (or other retail store), they would have exchanged it for another unit.
Prairie Power Center didn't care that a loyal customer was angry. My dad has bought equipment there for a few years. Loyalty means nothing to these clowns. I'd rather mow Miller Park with a Ginsu knife before buying anything from that place. Crooks.