The wait time wasn't bad. Took about 20 minutes to get a table on a Sunday afternoon. I've heard good stuff about this place. I usually go to sun penang for dim sum but love soup dumplings, something that my place doesn't have.
Service was fast and friendly. The owner always came over to joke around with us. The waitress was fast and I like the sheet you fill out with a pencil.
I also thought it was cool you could see the cook staff through the window making noodles and wontons. They wear funny masks which I assume is so they don't cough or sneeze on your food. Looks kinda dorky and the running joke was that we were the first people to breathe on our food.
The food itself was alright. Pot stickers were my favorite. The watercress was good although I think they fried it instead of steaming it which was different.
The soup dumplings loofah were delicious. I really liked how perfectly they came out.
I'm a little torn because the minced pork thin noodles and the ox tail soup were kind of bland. Nothing really screamed delicious. You could actually taste the flower which was pretty good but the broth/sauce left more to desire.
I'd definitely come back again but stay away from the noodles dishes and get more appetizers/dim sum. Kind of defeats the purpose of calling your restaurant everyday noodles when your side dishes are better than the main meal!!