Disclaimer: i do NOT work for any starbucks chain. I just want people to understand why im defending them.
After reading a few reviews here, i couldnt leave without leaving my own review. I have gone to NUMEROUS starbucks in my life, and this location by far has been the best that ive been to.
Yes it is a little pricier than the regular starbucks, but LOOK at where youre at. You're on the Strip. Its a tourist destination. Of course things are going to be pricier! Its like going to the movies. Outside the theater, soda is $0.89 at walmart. Inside the theater your soda is like $5! You have to be reasonable and understand WHY the casino charges you a few dollars extra. When im in the casino, and i want the convenience of getting my coffee without having to drive miles off the strip then you betcha im gonna buy it. Everyone has a choice. They dont force you to buy your drink. Im just saying.
The service ive always received here is fantastic. And i have nothing but good things to say about how friendly they are.