This is a GREAT sports bar. The people are friendly and the owners and staff are awesome , kinda like Cheers. They have the best selection of Hi DEF LCD TVs in Arizona. They also have Sound Dawgs (personal speakers) that you can take to your table side just in case your game isn't on the loud speakers. The beer is ice cold( that frosty mug sensation), I love cold beer on tap!!!. I live around the corner so I know allot of the locals, really nice people and very laid back. Friday and Saturdays nights are pretty cool to hang out drink beer, listen to music, and bullshit with people. Now that they don't have karaoke on the weekends the place has gotten allot better (Some of those people couldn't sing worth a F#%$, they sounded like they were in the first week in a season of America Idol)!!! I like to start my night off at Max's get something to drink and catch a good buzz then take a cab to a club then end up back at the MAX to polish off the night. They have a couple of pool tables and ping pong (come play beer pong). This is the kinda of place that you can come in with a crowd of people or walk in by yourself and still have a good time. I LOVE THIS BAR!! Yours truly, A very loyal beer drinking customer.