Dustin is the man. The Smog Man.
I had to renew my registration and of course waited until the day before I leave the country to take care of it. (I'm the Queen of Procrastination) Here's how the story goes.
First to do is get vehicle smogged. IT DIDN'T PASS. Zippity-fuckin-doo-dah. Whelp, there goes all my vacation money on car repairs. Looks like I will be eating ketchup packets for ten days in Europe. Is it even called ketchup there? Awesome. NOPE. Dustin "suggested" I do this and that and then drive 65 miles and come back to re-smog. I was skeptical, but decided I know jack about cars so I would take his advice.
I did this and that and drove 65 miles to Searchlight and back just like Smog Man said. Then I pull back into Jiffy where Dustin is waiting for me. PASSED. The rest of the renewal process was a cake walk. Mission complete.
The moral of this boring ass story that contains no sex, drugs or violence is this: Jiffy Smog wants you to pass so screw the vampires and werewolves. I'm Team Dustin. I think his name was Dustin....
The End.