It is a very rare treat to find a restaurant in an airport you would frequent even if you weren't flying... Beaudevin is one such place. We'd begun our day at 4am - with a 90 drive to an airport - then our flight with connection in Charlotte. We had a four hour layover.... needed breakfast and a way to begin the day again... This was the spot! Nothing about it 'felt' like an airport restaurant - or a chain formula restaurant for that matter.....
I just want to say thank you to the restaurant staff for their smiling, kind, personal attention, and very efficient service. You all made us feel relaxed, and maybe a bit pampered - the food and coffee were WONDERFUL - and we felt we could take all the time we liked (granted, the restaurant was not horribly busy at that hour).
We headed to our next gate feeling far better than when we arrived. The rest of the day went smoothly (or at least we coped very well) - and I honestly, truly feel it was in part due to our great experience at Beaudevin. Its really amazing how one experience can sometimes make, recover, or sour a whole day - even when your trying your best. Again, thank you to everyone at Beaudevin for making our day !!