This review is about the cafe and the cafe only. I went to grab a chai tea latte today during lunch. I do this a couple times a week with no problems. Today, was different. Not only did the barista skip over my drink and make someone else's before mine it was not made the way that it has in the past. The guy is correcting the other person that is making my drink, says, "only fill it to here and then the rest is ice." Then hands me the drink. I say, "Well, I did say 'Light ice.' so..." He just stares at me so I take the drink and go to leave. He mumbles, "Maybe next time she should order it with no ice." I didn't have time to turn around and say something. I then tried to call to talk to the manager as I was walking back to work and found out he is the manager on staff. What type of manager does that? That's not the Nordstrom way at all! Is it because I have tons of tattoos? Is it because of my race? Is it because he just likes to do whatever he wants? I know I'll be back because everyone else is always so awesome but seriously, this experience upset me big time.