| - If you are in the mood for a cold treat on a hot day, there are so many options. From ice cream, to fro yo, to pinkberry, and now the dilemma is even more difficult. The whole frozen custard concept is new to me, and like most good food, it has not caught on in Canada. After having lunch at nearby viva las arepas, we walked over for dessert. There is an enormous sign displaying the many flavours that they make, but wait, don't get too excited, only a few flavours are available daily. I chose the butter pecan, i am a big cookies and cream fan, so this wouldn't be my first flavour choice, but i was optimistic. I have known frozen custard to be dense, and rich. When i put my spoon into the custard, i was quite shocked at how soft, verging on melted, that it was. I loved how the pecans were toasted, it added so much to the pretty neutral tasting custard. Plus the little hint of salt was awesome.
Overall, i liked the custard, loved the flavour, but wasn't a fan of the texture.