OK so let's get personal with you yelp family. I have been going to Carolina's Weight Management and Wellness Center for over a year now. In April 2016 I decided to take control of my weight. I knew I did not want surgical intervention, but I needed help. I had about 100 pounds to lose and no idea how to do it. Enter Dr. Bellafonte and company. I don't think I would've been successful in losing weight naturally without them. She spends a lot of time with you during your initial consult and subsequent follow ups. She is full of helpful tips And advice.
My only negative about this place would be the front desk staff. They are always polite, but on the cusp of being rude if that makes sense. I guess you could describe it as brusque. I've also had issues with scheduling and for the last several months it's been virtually impossible to get anyone on the phone. It's a very very frustrating. I don't know what has changed, but you all need to take care of it.