| - Never before has my privacy felt so invaded when visiting a restaurant.
I know.
You read that opening line, you glanced back at the number of stars I am giving in this review, and now you're wondering how a five star review matches up with a sentence like that.
Let me explain.
I love food- NO!
... I'm OBSESSED with food. There are aspects of food and of the food industry that really resonate with me. Flavours, styles, presentations that hit at a level of my own personal taste.
With NOtaBLE, it's like Chef Noble read my mind. It's like he knew everything about my favorite styles of food and what I love about the restaurant experience, took that knowledge and formed it out of thin air into a fully functioning restaurant ... just ... for ... me.
I know that sounds delusional and psychotic, but really, everything from the restaurant decor, to the casual professionalism of the staff, to the calm order of the open kitchen, to the design and description of dishes, to the pricing of the meals, to the quality of ingredients, to the level of execution ... is all flawless.
Really, I wouldn't change A THING.
So naturally, when I walked in, looked at a menu, was served and ate, I couldn't help feeling a little violated that someone had entered my head, made off with my most comforting thoughts of food and turned them into a business.
The main dish I had was the mussels & frites in Thai coconut broth.
For weeks before visiting NOtaBLE, I had been inexplicably obsessed with this thought of mussels and fries with Thai coconut broth, and sure enough, there it was on the menu when I arrived. I am fully convinced that Chef Noble must have planted an Inception in my dreams.
It wouldn't be the first time, either, that Chef Noble was known for pulling food out of dreamland. Rumor has it that this is how the "Stilton cheesecake" on the menu was born. I wish I would have tried it, but alas, my attention was instead diverted to the warm dark chocolate pudding with salted caramel Village ice cream, which was beyond divine (sorry, Lord).
But I'm not too worried. I'll simply try it next time.
Because there will ALWAYS be a next time.