For a restaurant called the Brew Garden you'd think they'd have a better beer selection. We sat at the outdoor bar because there was literally no one inside. We got handed a pretty paltry beer list and my girlfriend asked the bartender for a recommendation for a dark beer seeking a porter or stout. The girl said, "Um, uh, errr," and then recommended Stone Arrogant Bastard. Evidently anything that isn't an American Pilsner is "dark beer." The total lack of emphasis on good beer is evidenced by the 2 draft handles that are available on the patio...Budwieser and Bud Light. That's it. For anything else the girl had to run all the way inside before returning to inform us that they are currently "out of that." Which is exactly what happened with the Stone she had recommended. "Oops we're actually out of that sweety." They really ought to rename the place "girls in skimpy outfits" rather than Brew Garden because it was clear that this woman was not hired for her expert knowledge of craft beer.
When we asked for the check it came back with a 20 cent (that's $0.20, not 20%) gratuity added on to our $40 tab. She blamed a machine glitch. I gave up and signed what they had then asked for change to leave a real tip. I handed her $10 and she handed me back $20 in singles. Some people might have just taken advantage, but I pointed out her mistake and got correct change. In the end I left her a tip that was far in excess of what the experience warranted.
This place is terrible!
Ok maybe I'm also a little biased here because the crock of lobster mac and cheese (another recommendation of the bartender) that my girlfriend ordered gave her food poisoning which had her vomiting all night and eventually caused a 2AM trip to the Emergency Room.
We only ended up here because the real micro brewery (Cornerstone Brewery) down the street in Berea was closed for Memorial day weekend. You'd be very wise to go there instead.