| - This might be the biggest vintage store I've ever seen. It's probably got as much stuff for sale as 3 or 4 normal-sized vintage stores, and almost all of it is great stuff in great condition. I don't know where they find all of it, but they've thoroughly covered the 50s, 60s, and 70s to the point that it's overwhelming. You can't go through the whole store in one visit because it's packed floor-to-ceiling on two floors. It's stunning, really. There are tons of clothes for both men and women, lots of furniture, housewares, records, accessories, jewelry, home decor...basically anything you'd want that's 30+ years old and not a car, a house, or wine.
The only reason Flower Child gets 4 stars instead of 5 is it's pretty pricey. It's not totally unreasonable given the quality of their stuff, but you're not getting a discount for buying secondhand here. Also, organization is piss-poor and you really need time to wander and browse. For some this might be a positive, but I don't think anyone would argue with putting all the clothing in one room, or at least on one floor. Otherwise, this place is awesome. I haven't been to any other vintage places in the area, but if they're like this then I think I know how I'm spending the rest of my visit.