I really love bringing my dog to Bow Dog for daycare, and their pack walks have been fantastic. My dog always comes home happy, healthy, and tuckered out after having lots of play time with his pals! They have a great facility and is really convenient to where I live.
A couple of items on my wish list that I think they could improve:
- Invoicing: I wish they would show if you had a balance carried forward (or a credit) when they sent your next invoice. It's a pretty standard invoicing practice!
- Sometimes it is tough to get through to their office - you often have to leave a message. They are good about getting back to you, but I did have to be persistent when trying to get my dog into a waitlist for pack walks.
- I wish you could book daycare reservations online. As a growing business, I'm sure they are constantly trying to improve. I will definitely be a return client!