Came here on Victoria Day and boy was it busy. We were fortunate to receive a table after waiting for only 20 Minutes, especially given that the whole foyer was full of families and guests waiting to be seated.
We were pleasantly surprised to see a lovely, clean, and elegant dining room. And it was REALLY packed!! Despite the peak lunch hour, service was top-notch and quick. The servers were very attentive and constantly came over to give us clean plates.
We ordered some garlic fried lobster, a wide variety of staple dimsum items (har gow, siu mai, shrimp rice noodle roll, baked BBQ pork bun, etc.) and a fried rice. Waaaayy too much for 3 people, but it was a feast to remember for sure. We were hoping for more lobster meat in the lobster dish but I guess that's just the way the cookie crumbles. Overall a great experience at Yu Seafood and I would visit again.