They are advertising this place as the "Times Square of the West." Clearly, they have not been to New York. There is nothing that Westgate Center has in common with Times Square.
The parking lot is huge, but badly arranged. Even the handicapped spots were a long walk for one of my friends
The plaza is anchored by sports/concert venues. When there are no sports events or concerts to bring in the traffic, there is a large movie theater. They have also taken a lot of care to make several large public areas with fountains and other attractive focal points. It is pretty, but an ineffective use of space that fails miserably in its attempt to provide services to concert goers and sports fans. There were not even enough places available for several coworkers and i to enjoy having lunch there.
The rest of the plaza is supposed to be bustling with entertainment and activity to support the events at the main venues. It is not. I thought it was because a lot of places had not opened, but i think the problem is deeper than that. There are several chain restaurants with bars. Try going to one of those restaurants before your concert for dinner. They look at you like you have lost your mind. The problem is, there are so few places, and they are all packed and understaffed. The ones i tried acted as if they were insulted that i didn't want to wait til after my concert had started to sit down. This wouldn't be bothersome if they were using their entire seating space and had a full staff of waiters, but it looked like there were sections of the places that were not being used at all. Perhaps they are waiting for the Superbowl to open those remaining 8 tables.