I'm dying. My cough is getting worse, and it's Wednesday...I have a show on Friday evening. I'm getting nervous.
My last resort was to head to Nature's Bin, in hopes that they carried colloidal silver to spray my throat with.
They did. Thank Christ. I even found one with 30 ppm! I also bought some mild-mannered echinacea.
There was a cornucopia of other awesome things here. Their fruit is for the most part from somewhat local farms (blueberries were from Michigan, blackberries from here). And, there was a bunch of it. A lot of times organic produce looks sad when compared to their genetically modified, waxed, dyed cousins that are piled high in a pyramid. This produce selection could be teleported (wtf...the spell check doesn't know the word teleported?/?) into any Giant Eagle and look great.
Four stars...no, wait....five stars...because they hire folk that might otherwise be unhirable. And the cashier should look into a career as a saint...I have no idea how she remained calm while the senior citizen in front of me mentioned her discount 3 times, then searched the receipt for it after the gal assured her she put it in. Hey man...that 43 cents will come in handy.
Oh...and Nature's Bin, I'm sorry...I *think* I'm the guy that knocked away that border in the parking lot.
Please forgive me. I really needed that colloidal silver.