Am I getting too old for this?
Me thinks not! Granted I'm not the youngest cat in the crowd, but I think I deserve some love don't I? Well I guess not at McFadden's. I might not be that young lad that buys drinks for everyone and continue to pound down shots of liquor in the attempt to get myself drunk anymore. However, I'm the guy that can actually afford it without burning a hole in my wallet - wink! Maybe you should be looking my way next time instead of continue to serve the drunk dude down the bar who probably shouldn't be drinking anymore unless tent city is the next destination for him.
Loud obnoxious drunks and college frat party like atmosphere only goes so far. Let's just keep it where it belongs because I really don't know if it should be public thing unless it's a place called Vegas. Westgate is no Vegas!
I can party with the best, but even I felt uncomfortable here. Let's just say if a fight broke out I wouldn't be surprised. Patio is nice, but without a smoke vent is sucks -- yes I know the "patio" needs a smoke vent! Unfortunately a bad experience this time; we'll see if I ever return to do a follow-up. - Enjoy!