It's a beautiful day. Clear sky and around 65 degrees in the late morning! What to do? My little guy had been riding his bike without training wheels. Woo-hoo! Is he ready to go on a dirt trail? We're gearing him up to go mountain biking up North. Hubby suggested Riparian Preserve. It was an excellent choice.
"This is awesome!" my little one exclaimed, as he bounced up and down on the trail. Then, he'll just stop right in front of me without warning. Five year olds get distracted so easily. "Is that a wasp? Look at that hover fly! What kind of ant is that? What kind of beetles live here!" asks my little future entomologist. We'll be taking some tours and classes the Riparian offers soon!
My little one did bite the dust several times due to some excessively gravelly paths. He learned to either walk his bike over or slow down a bit. Such a sport! "Let's come back here again., That was fun!" It was fun for us too!
We're so lucky we live not far from here. It is a very well maintained park. As it gets hotter, we would walk and feed the ducks in the morning and spend the rest of the time in the Regional Library. I highly recommend you check this place out.