The annoying thing about calling ANY cable company is that they never want you to downgrade their services. I've moved three different times, and each time I would try to cancel, they would make up a bunch of bullshit how they can't do it because of X amount of reasons. I have to plan my calls when I have a good amount of time to talk to them because I know they like to dilly-dally and put people on hold "trying to find better deals" or "talking to the supervisor to see what can be done".... or another favorite line, "the system is slow". I called them out on it several times about how they purposely do it. They really don't have much to say about it. After threatening to cancel, THEY FINALYYYYY say they can do what I asked of them ONE HOUR LATER. Why couldn't they do that within the first five minutes of my call?! the cable service is good, but talking to the people employed by Cox is a fucking pain in the ass. I know they are just doing their job, but shit. If I wanna change my service, let me change my damn service.