So it's not perfect (when you find an airline that is please let me know) but when it comes to airlines it seems to be the people that make all the difference. Air Canada has many employees who are stepping up day after day and putting in an extra effort to try and make magic happen under trying circumstances. I met two of them this morning at YVR after missing a connecting flight from Honolulu through Vancouver to Calgary and on to Saskatoon. Air Canada YVR ground staff Natalie and Rosa hunkered down for a good 15-20 minutes to get me on a delayed flight to Edmonton and on to Saskatoon after finding everything was oversold to Calgary. But why would I be a fan of an airline that leaves me at the airport? Because a little over 200 USD for a flight from Honolulu to Saskatoon is an amazing price. For all the reviews you read that Air Canada is kind of expensive, keep checking. They come up with some great deals when you least expect it and if a combination of tight connection, YVR gate crew showing up at the 11th hour, immigration (YVR is the best Canadian international gateway in my opinion) and Air Canada trying to get their ping pong Vancouver to Calgary flight off the ground on time leaves you without a plane to catch then see if you can find Natalie and Rosa. Now I need to go use my free food voucher.