| - One word: dirty! Dirty! DIRTY! OK, maybe that's three words, but it gives you an idea of how grossed out I am. My chicken and steamed veggies were alright. The sweet potato casserole was amazing, and the only reason I am able to give the two stars I gave them. To start with, the door handle to get into the place looked like it had never been wiped off, like it was too nasty to even touch. Then, the dining room was filthy. The booth we sat in had a sticky back, as in my husband put his arm across it and stuck to it. The ledges between seat were covered with bits of food. The seats were covered with material that looked like it'd lived in a garage, covered with streaks of black stuff. To top it off, they didn't have any paper towels in the bathroom, so I'm pretty sure nobody was very intent on hand washing. I don't think I'll be coming back, and if I do it won't be this location. If I was a health inspector, they'd be in seriously deep shit. I shudder to think what the kitchen was like. I don't want to think about it. I advise skipping it.