The Men's room was the worst thing I have ever seen in my life. They have one of those metal toilets that don't have a seat. It's placed between a urinal and a sink and it has no stall or anything at all that prevents people from looking at you when your taking a sh*t. I came in here to wash my hands and there was some guy taking a dump. The moment we locked eyes, he was like: "Sup?". I immediately just turned around and walked out.
There is an insane amount of turtles here. Painted Turtles seem like cool pets, but they get pretty expensive and people just can't take care of them anymore. These parks are usually the place where people dump off their Painted Turtles, and for some reason they seem much happier here than in captivity.
There is this dude that sells ice-cream in a truck here. Everyone kept telling him that he looks like Obama. He said that he gets that a lot. I personally thought he looked more like Tom Dubois from the Boondocks. Nice guy though.
Personally, I prefer places like Floyd Lamb Park or the park near the Centennial Hills Library. But, this place wasn't all bad.