Customer service is horrible here!
Now I've been coming here for 6 months straight since I moved here and their was never anything great about the service I've received. The last few times have just been leaving a bad taste in my mouth and today was the final straw! I was in line with 2 transactions (making a payment and purchasing items) This "wonderful" associate who was cashiering has such a bad attitude!
I greeted her more than 3 times and she never acknowledged me at ALL! She is complaining to another employee about what time is it and when can she go home! She walks away from me in the middle of my transaction and another employee starts the transaction and the complaining one comes back to finish it and still has a bad attitude. She never apologized for walking away during the transaction and gave me grief about my boxes (I count the number of boxes before I get up to the register so they don't have do it) but she still gave me a hard time!
This employee clearly hates working in the customer service aspect and shouldn't be working with customers! She wanted to be off her shift so bad why don't you stay your unhappy self at home!! -___-