| - The sushi here is decent. It's not a "fantastic sushi find," but it scratches that sushi itch. I've dined here 5-6 times, and the thing that is truly remarkable is the aloofness of the staff. The bartenders, although cute, think this is their roost. I suppose they believe their role supersedes that of their customers'. The hostesses and servers are cute too, but if I want to bask in cuteness, I'd go to a puppy farm. I dine for food, service, and ambiance. The service here is so abysmal, I avoid it. When a bartender can't even make eye contact because she is so cool, (this has happened several times) I've got other places to go. I'm not a difficult guy to look at, but maybe if I had a fraternity jacket on, they'd be interested. Until then, let the employees' poor training continue to push customers away.