Fabulous store with a fabulous owner. I don't even know where to begin!
1. I think I'll start with pricing since most people always think about that when shopping - compared to so many other children's stores that I've been in, this place is affordable! I come from NY so every time I looked at a price tag I was expecting something extravagant but when I flipped the tag, it was always less than I guessed.
2. Fabulous selection - especially for little boy clothes. I am the proud Mama of a boy and even though there is cuter stuff out there than there used to be, it's still far and few between. I hit the jackpot in this store.
3. The owner - who I talked to in depth while in the store and also once while I ran into him on the Duquesne Incline - is just a kind, kind man who is clearly passionate about his store and his products. When I ran into him on the incline, he asked me about my son's t-shirt (he wanted to get the vendor in his store!). Quite frankly I'm surprised it wasn't already something that I purchased from this locale, but immediately I realized who he was and yes again we had a fabulous conversation about kids clothes and life. He's just a pleasant person that makes shopping for cute kid stuff all that more exciting.
I would highly recommend this store - especially if you live in the region. My only gripe at the moment is that I'm in the South Hills and it's quite a trek for me so unfortunately I only make it in about twice a year.