Someone called me from Plumbing Masters yesterday and left me a voicemail to call them back regarding my Yelp review. So since only my first name is listed, I would assume that they researched to find out who I was based on the info I provided in this review. But why call me now? To waste more of my time? I had an appliance install guy come out and with parts the entire job was $325.
***And now I get a long explanation of overhead costs etc. I completely understand what it takes to run a business. But the average dishwasher install is $120 - $140 and I was quoted 5X that amount! And was going to have something else done at the same time. Sorry if I find that a bit unreasonable. Maybe if you did less advertising and just provided better service, you could get repeat and referral business. But obviously by the lecture that I rec'd on how businesses operate. What do I know??? Thank you for the response but I am reviewing for the "buyer to beware".