This local little treat is truly a diamond but the 'rough' around it is just as unique and lovely. Do Not let the size of this place fool you there are walls upon walls of books just out of your eye line. I came there looking for a 'I went to Charlotte and I love you gift" I however left with only stuff for me. I Most enjoyed how clean the establishment was and how well organized and neat everything was in the boxes. Many comic shops I have been to were very dirty and dim more like a cave, not this one. Their action figures and models seemed freshly dusted and cleaned, the floors vacuumed and clutter free. The man who helped me I think his name was Dave, was VERY knowledgeable, kind, and charming. Their Overall selection was not as vast as some I had been to however the quality was much much higher than others so totally worth it. If theres one place to get comcs in charlotte its Heroes :D