| - Most recently, I've made an effort to visit these up and coming food trucks that roam the downtown core. My office is up at eglington so it's somewhat scattered for lunch food in my parts. Luckily I have half day friday's meaning lunch gets to happen downtown. Today was fidel gastro.
I roll up around 2:30pm only to see 3/4 of the sandwiches are sold out. That's great, business is good! I ended up having the only option "sgt. Slather". Pulled pork, avocado, tortilla chips. Sounds good, assuming the tortilla chips were a side. They weren't. In fact, it was like taking the ends of a bag of tortilla chips, you know all those crush bits, and then crushing them even more and throwing it onto a sandwich. I was contemplating asking for the tortilla chips they forgot, but then I realized they were suposed to be on the sandwich.
10 minutes later the sandwich is ready and comes in a large styrofoam container. The container is big enough for 2 sandwiches and a side. Poor presentation and what a waste of space!
The first bite always sets the tone for the meal. Underwhelming. I can't say I've had kraft bbq sauce since I was a child, but wow that bbq sauce was boring. The meat, (I can only imagine it was cooked on the truck in an oven) had little to no smoke taste. Pork was pretty chewy, but kudos to cutting out the fat. The avocado was nice, a+ for using real avocado, pulsed to a puree. The bun was ok, somewhat greasy in which I could only assume it hung out on the grill for a few minutes.
Long story short, fidel should have stuck to opening a restaurant, assuming the cuban would be the staple.