I had an experience that hopefully isn't indicative of the practice, but it was unsettling and has impacted my review negatively.
The good - Mary and her staff are friendly. She's finally got office staff and answers the phone. Previously (2013 taxes) I had tried to use her but always got voice mail. I decided to give her another try this year based on a referral from an acquaintance. I am confident my taxes were done correctly w/o issue. Now I recently purchased a home which is why I wanted my taxes professionally done. This was probably a waste of money truth be told. But that's my fault, not Mary's.
The bad - the price. She's pretty high I think. I've had my taxes professionally done by an Accountant in the Chicagoland area for years (thanks to many relocations for work) and never have I had to pay this much. Maybe she's a fair price for Charlotte, I dunno. Here's the really bad, and why I can not give her five stars. She spammed my e-mail, big time. The day after my visit I received the same thank you e-mail no less than 70+ times in the span of three hours. I sent an e-mail informing them of the issue after the first waive of spam, but continued to receive the e-mail blast for several more hours. I finally called to inform them something was up. They assure me no data was breeched, and that it was an e-mail glitch, but I'm not so sure. I guess time will only tell. After my call, I did receive a personal follow up e-mail from Mary. The whole experience just left me sour b/c again - she's privy to all of my records and who knows if there was an actual security breech. Just unprofessional and honestly I was a little peeved that all I received was an follow up e-mail. I would have expected some sort of compensation for the inconvenience. Especially since she spent tops 25 minutes on my taxes and I still paid her the full $250. Don't know if I'll be back.
Also the parking situation is weird. Not a game changer, but I felt as if my car wasn't totally safe parking on the side street b/c it was right in front of an abandoned home that was undergoing repair/ construction.