I'd like to start by saying all of my experiences at Kensington Brewery have been overwhelmingly positive. The friendly staff, the amazing beer and the fact you could bring in outside food always drew me to this location. To have all of that dashed by overhearing a disturbing and frankly racist conversation by staff deeply disappoints and saddens me. At around 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon I was having a beer and eating lunch with my partner at Kensington Brewery. I don't make a habit of listening in on people's conversation but the bartender and other staff member were close by and speaking at a normal volume. In relation to some party or event, I'm not entirely sure what it was, they both agreed there were too many "straight white girls" in attendance. Apparently their biggest concern with these "straight white girls" was verbatim:
"What are you looking for your new gay best friend?"
Obviously a rhetorical question posed in a derisive tone. I was really taken back. As stated above this was a regular conversation held within earshot of customers. My partner and I finished our drinks, paid and departed with a sense that we were never coming back. Prejudice, assuming someones sexual orientation, race and gender by sight alone then justifying the exclusion of those people is absolutely wrong. I truly enjoyed Kensington Brewery, it's with a heavy heart I write this, but I will not allow bigotry to go unabated.