Beautifully done show; sexy, humorous and entertaining as h-e-double hockey sticks. Of all Cirque shows I've seen, I was very entertained by this one - with the upbeat music, breathtaking feats of Cirque in water, air and land. All capped off with a hilarious host in drag with off-the cuff jokes, glittering costume changes and plenty of guest interaction.
Speaking of the audience - Sit in the first row for the opportunity to joke along or don't if you don't want the spotlight on you. Also, as you sit closer, be ready to be pulled to the stage.
The show is somewhat risque, no surprises - but make sure you and your guests are open-minded and good with nudity and sensual expression.
Arrive early to stop for drinks before the show, the line tends to be long so expect to wait. Also, arrive extra early for the 15 minute hilarity provided in the pre-show.