| - I've been searching for a decent UPS store to use for my business, and I have crossed this one off for good. I obviously disturbed the young man behind the counter as he seemed exasperated from the moment I walked in and was preoccupied with something else in the back of the store. This was my first bad sign.
I, of course, asked for the cheapest shipping method, and he quickly rattled off prices. I settled on the cheapest and proceeded to place my item in a photo mailer that I informed him I would be purchasing. When I asked him to tape the end for me - that's when I got the first eye roll. He did tape it, though, I paid and left. After some confusion on my part, admittedly, I had to go back in to get a different shipping method that would give me a tracking number. By this time, I thought the guy was going to yell at me. The second eye roll came when I asked him if I could cut open my package to remove some packing before weighing the second time. He proceeded to do that himself, I repacked and then asked if the first transaction would be "refunded after adding the rest up?" He said, "Yes," and gave me a new total. I charged it and asked for the refund from first transaction. He looked at me, shook his head and laughed when he said, "O no, that's not refundable." "Why didn't you say so when I asked?!? I would have gone somewhere else!" Instead, I'm now writing a bad review because I feel ripped off and taken advantage of by a smug employee. His third eye roll came with a shake of his head after I turned to leave. Yeah, I caught that in the reflection.
It's obvious there's little concern for this business on Ann Road - the owners don't bother to respond to any of the negative reviews they've received. Do yourself (and me, really) a favor and take your business where you will be valued instead of ripped off!