This company, like college book stores, exists simply to exploit the student population. With extremely rigid policies and sub par customer service, I always dreaded using them. But hey, had to get home somehow. They know this and presumably don't feel the need to practice good business. I also dislike their advertising techniques-- they look like political smear campaigns, and it's just for a bus service! Instead of wasting your time trying to unseat the competition, why not just treat your customers with a little respect and dignity? Since most of the alternatives don't do well in this regard either, that alone would probably be enough to triumph.
Update: The owner is also a petty, angry man who thinks harassing people who leave reviews for his business is a better use of his time than improving his business practices. While I'm flattered that he considers me so interesting that he must look at all my reviews for other businesses, perhaps he might consider working on his customer service skills and treating his customers like people. That's how he'll get me to change my review-- not by leaving laughable comments. =)