Just take one discerning look at your surroundings, and you'll never return. Discovering 100-year-old bits of dried food, bugs, dust, possibly bodily fluids, and duck sauce on every surface from the floor to the ceiling is enough to induce a dry (or wet!) heave. bslkfjasdfbb.
Don't expect to be able to recognize your food, either. Whatever you order, it'll be a tepid medium brown mess in a viscous sauce the consistency of hair gel. And your meat? Whatever it is, it'll be like biting into your maltipoo's chew toy. Just. Rubber.
I have to believe that the high ratings are coming from the 60+ crowd, who is fervently loyal to their known food establishments (and who also believe that sweet & sour chicken is a remotely authentic ethnic dish).
My dear sexagenarian friends, you don't have to treat yourself this way! You deserve better than neon-colored, salty sauces and "egg rolls" (?!) fried to oblivion. There IS a world of delicious, fresh, and non-coma-inducing Chinese food out there! Though, of course, it's probably and sadly not in Northfield, or Summit County for that measure. Sigh. The search continues.