So, since my last visit with the awful lemonade, the owner actually contacted me through yelp to get me to try the Nimbu Pani one more time on the house, insisting it was made wrong. (AWESOME customer service!)
I went back for round two. She was right. MUUUUUUCHOOOOO better! It was actually sweet this time (she also informed me that she made sure all of her employees know how to make it properly too) They only thing that was a little weird were the whole cumin seeds in the drink....I just couldn't get past that. but, it was EXCELLENT as long as I didn't chew the seeds......
While I was there I ordered the soup of the day.....vegan (of course) potato leek soup......I hate to say it, but it really wasn't good. I didn't know it was a cold soup....had I known, I probably would have ordered something else (I think potatoes with aromatics are just mean to be eaten's just hard to stomache otherwise) This is the only reason I'm not changing my rating to 5 stars. However, I know they have other deslicous menu options that I will be happy to go back and have in the future.
And THANKS for making me try the lemonade again!!!