Cannot recommend for commercial repair work.
Had a problem with a broken entry door pull. 1st tech on scene is a very nice guy but indicated he needed help. Help was to arrive in an hour. Help arrived about 4 hours later. Also a nice guy. They tried.
But, they made things worse, not better. Parts were needed and no ETA was given.
2 days later - without having heard from the company - I called and was told (on a Thursday) that parts were found and that Friday would be the day of the fix.
No call on Friday. So, I called. Again. This time I was told that the tech had made a mistake. Parts were available but they wouldn't have them until the end of Friday. That meant Monday.
You guessed it. No call Monday. When I called, this time "Dutch" told me they'd been trying "many times" to reach me on Friday (he forgot, I guess, that he and I had spoken that day). And, like mentioned in another review here, the phone number he had was one digit off. Not hard to find the phone number for a retail business on the internet! The inference was that his lack of ability to speak to me was my fault because he wasn't capable of thinking to double check that he had a correct contact number.
Now the repair was going to take even longer because parts had not been received and I had been unreachable. At this point my frustration was audible. And, "Dutch" decided it was more than he needed to deal with. He told me to find another company and hung up on me.
Maybe the story is different for residential work. I'll reiterate that the techs were both nice guys who did try. But, the systems that back them up are clearly flawed.