| - A ripoff for sellers. I've sold furniture via consignment before and know the return isn't large, but these people simply give your furniture away and leave you with nothing. I gave a them a gorgeous, pristine, solid cherry, dining set retailing around 2800 and three average quality barstools. After their commissions and their pickup fee (even Goodwill picks up for free), I netted under $300. These people have NO motivation to help you maximize your return rhey want to move volume and that means just giving it away. They have no investment in the inventory, therefore zero risk. That's how these places work, but I've never seen one so flagrantly give items away for pennies on the dollar. No skin off their nose, just the consignor.
And, oh by the way, when I called 6 months after consigning to have them return my items so I could sell them myself, I learned that they had sold long before, but they don't tell you that, nor do they send you your money. YOU have to actively check status and request your money. I'm sure people forget, and guess who keeps the cash? I find this utterly unethical