this gym is very convenient right near where I live, the facility is acceptable: machines are kept in workable condition and usually there is not wait times. The facility however needs better cleaning as you can find pieces of paper towel around the machines. The male personnel are very polite and friendly however the girls are sometimes rude ; today (11/02/14) while I was working out (I'm a 61 years old woman) a young cleaning woman from this site reprimand me for not having the required shoes I didn't know she was the cleaning woman and told her next time I will bring my sneakers instead of my sandals but she kept insisting me to bring the required shoes, she has the insolence to tap me numerous time with her fingers into my left shoulder. I reported to the manager who told me she is a new cleaner lady.
The kind of employees this company is hiring are usually young rude girls.
A cleaning woman picking on me for not to have the correct shoes but not doing her job to pick up the pieces of paper towel on the floor is a joke!