At what is already a stressful time in ones life, having to send your loved one to a "rehab facility" that is more interested in how much time medicare will pay for your stay than actually caring about the person as an individual can just send you over the edge. Stay clear of this place. They have very few staff understand the elderly. If you are deaf or hard of hearing you will be treated even worse as they talk to the back of your head as they wheel you around and get mad if you don't respond to them. They have no understanding of a diabetic diet. They may allow you a half hour of physical therapy daily, however then you are just left in your wheel chair the rest of the time. They have no respect for basic human dignity and are treated like a ill cared for animal. Do your research before sending your loved one to such a facility. Talk to patients that have been there for a while. Don't base your decision on the nice surroundings or new equipment they brag about. If its not used effectively who cares. It was so sad talking to the patients who are stuck there. My dad was fortunate we were there to see what was really going on daily. We were able to transfer him to a wonderful place where he was cared for with amazing dignity, respect and professionalism.