| - Oh Panther Hollow Inn... you used to be a dame, a real broad. Dank, ill-lit, smoky, rude, maybe a few health code violations thrown in for good measure. In short, a dive.
But now? You're not a dive! And anyone who says otherwise (esp. those precious li'l CMU children who frequent you) has no frakin' clue as to the nature of a real dive. You can pretend to be a dive - cheap prices, smoking allowed, short-staffed - and that's all good and well. A good time can still be had, no doubt.
But admit it, we both know you've had some work done in your golden years. You have better lighting and floors that aren't always sticky, the staff aren't always gruff and the clientele are just kittens now. [shakes head sadly and orders another clean-not-dirt-cheap drink].