I bought the groupon, and got an appointment right away. They start out with a 20 minute foot soak and then a massage. IT was not like any other massage I have ever had, but I thought Jessie did a great job and she was very thorough. I enjoyed it and I also enjoyed the dark quiet atmosphere and no nonsense attitude of the staff. I liked that the masseuse did not try to engage me in small talk. I will definitely go back. I am sending my husband as soon as I can and will definitely be going back myself.
As far as the tipping thing, I think in Asian culture they are more open about the tipping and I think it is very important to them. Anyways, I am not Asian, so I don't know about their culture I have just noticed this before with other Asian businesses. I always tip at least $20 for a massage anyways. I know that all massage therapists have to pay taxes on their tips. I am a tipped employee so I get that. I think with the groupon, that made the total around $60. A good price for a massage anywhere in this town.
I am also a real person. :) and proud of it.