So Arnold came bock to try the halohalo. I didn't finish it. I didn't even like it. Pick your jaw up and stop gasping. Here's why, I thought when they said build your halohalo you can pick which "toppings" to drop at the bottom of your cup before it gets sat on by crushed ice. I'm brain farting right now because I completely forgot if your customizing your halohalo how much toppings you can have...6? It's 120am...heck let's go with 6. My assumption is you have max 6 toppings to choose from. What I discovered is you are REQUIRED to have 6 toppings. You can't choose just 1,2, or 3 toppings. It's an unfortunate deal for someone like me who doesn't not like all that jazz down there who only wants the coconut gels, but not 6 scoops of it! What's so customizing about that?! BOO!
Also, I love magnolia ice cream...I respect its ube game...but I thought their halohalo was more like a smoothie. I all ready had a disappointed face upon sitting down. The husband thought I got into it with a worker, but I was all ready peeved I couldn't technically make my own halohalo. Then biting into it and the texture was smoothie like. Look, I love smoothies...I love halohalo. I don't love halohalo smoothies.
Thus, I've dropped a star and won't be returning for their halohalo. Just isn't my preference. I can get a textured one to my liking around the corner. But don't let my preference deter you from jumping on the magnolia train! Staff is still friendly and helpful, magnolia ice cream is still deelish...just don't prefer their halohalo. Tis all.
Update done.