This 1 particular security worker is who's making this greyhound get a 1 star. I have no idea what her name is but she has some old raggedy braids oh yeah and she's from Georgia! When I first got there I got name tags for ALL of my bags and she at 1st said I couldn't get them because they are only for carry on. Then I said I'm putting a tag on all of my bags she acted as if she was angry. To put my tags on the bags I stepped OUT OF THE WAY because it was a lot of people and she said I needed to move from in front of the WINDOW! NOT THE DOOR BUT THE WINDOW. Then I went outside for a while, then came to check in and went and sat down, 15 or 20 minutes later she comes up to me and need to see my ticket, for what??? She's a TOY COP!! Then, went to buy some snacks from the clerk, this nappy head security guard told my daughter who is up there with me because we are buying snacks, to move back away from the counter. I didn't know that, but this lazy, nappy headed animal told my kid to move so she can lean up against the counter, naaa bruh get yo mind right and work! Irritated me from the time I got there til I got on the bus.