Not sure what the hype is all about.
I got the cheesesteak with chipotle sauce; she got the Italian "sub in a tub."
Her sub in a tub was literally all the ingredients of a sub, in a plastic container, no bread. Does that bother me? No. So why am I making a big deal about it? Because its nothing special. We had it prepared "Mike's way," which meant it was sprinkled with petrified, flavorless oregano flakes, and dressed with oil and red wine vinegar. Mehh.
The real train wreck was the cheesesteak with chipotle sauce that I ordered. The chipotle sauce was basically some form of heavy, gooey dressing, which sat in my stomach like a rock. For four hours. I felt nauseous the whole time. I have no idea how a cheesesteak with provolone cheese could have possibly turned out like this.
And yes, I spent many years in NJ, so I know a thing or two about good subs.
Not a fan. Sorry.