This is no Yuk Yuks. No Second City either. You may have guessed it... not all that funny, and kind of grungy for my taste. A note for all the deal buyers out there: this place is often on deal for $20. Not worth it. Not even worth $10.
I came here with some colleagues from work. The ticket for the comedy show was $8. The guys bought beer. I got myself a Vodka Cran. Regular drinks, nothing fancy here. The place itself is super dive. And I was surprised at the crowd it brought in on a Friday night. I wouldn't be a second timer.
We walked into a dark room with a dinky stage set up for the comedy acts. The chairs weren't comfortable either. The acts were apparently selection from the Toronto Comedy Fest. Well, 1 out of the 5 we saw brought out 2 laughs out of me. Some of the guys I was with guffawed at the other ones - but guys will laugh at anything. One act, in particular, was a whole new level of crass. A girl ran around the audience seating throwing panties at people. My colleague ended up with 2 pink panties... out of which one was kid's underwear.
I wish we'd gone to Yuk Yuks instead. Never coming back.