By far the worst bank I've ever banked with. How the HELL do you charge your own clients money to withdraw from your own atm??? Um...... they do!!!! It's normal for another atm to charge you a fee...... Well so does this bank. You not only get charged with the other bank or atm fee, but 1NCU also charges you a $3 fee for using another bank or atm. Really???? I can't stand the service. There bank has 2 tellers only, and the line could be full as 15-20 people and there isn't any additional help provided. The list goes on and on. I'm exhausted just thinking about the problems............. oh yeah, they also charge you $19.50 a month just to have a checking account. HaHahaha. I love this free world............ Not!!!!!! One Nevada Credit Union is garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bank of America or Wells Fargo here I come.