| - Somebody blew up my phone last week with a group text about doing something. Thanks, thanks a lot. No really, thanks a lot, cause I probable wouldn't have ended up here otherwise. :-) I hopped on the scooter, pushed my way around the corner and found scooter (bike) parking at the bar next door. I did end up asking about a bike rack for their place and they said its on the way and should be up soon - they're only a month or so since opening day, so I guess you can't fault them for that ;-)
A handful of us stopped in for Happy Hour. With mixed drinks at $7 during HH, I had the bartender pour me "Something with Hendricks, but not too sweet." It was Christmas time after all and what a better drink than something that tastes like a Christmas Tree? I left the specifics up to them, I figured they'd know better what to mix together than I would. I ended up with something with lemon and mint, and pretty tasty at that!
After everyone arrived, we all ordered the $5 pork Ramen from the HH menu as well as the Asian chicken wings, both items delish, and both items worth coming back for during HH. I think the draft beers were $3 during HH and the total bill coming to like $60 after tax and tip, it was a reasonably priced dinner and drinks for four.
Their normal menu was a bit pricey for my taste, while I don't think I will aim here if it's not HH, you know I'll definitely be back for that Ramen, especially since I'm just a hop skip and a jump - or a scoot away.
Happy Yelping Phoenix, definitely come try their HH ramen - HH is 4-7pm (for the summer hours at least)!